I don't think I have a buck list specifically but if I think about it a little bit, I have some things that I put as a priority because they depend on me. One of the first activities would be to travel and also to learn new skills totally different from what I normally do and to keep myself in good health in general. 

I think they all have their difficulty to do them, this year I proposed to travel twice in the year to my city which is in Peru and it involved a lot of effort and stress because I combined studying and working, although now I can say that I did it, these trips will leave me bankrupt, haha.  

I learned to fully use the drill and its accessories, I think it is positive to learn how to use any tool because it can get you out of trouble at the least thought moment. Maybe something I have pending is to take the driving test, but that will be when I finish classes because I will have more time. I try to keep myself in good health, having a good diet and doing sports since it also helps a lot in the mental part. 


  1. You did so many things, wow, you learned how to use a drill, I think that's the best thing I've ever read on a bucket list.

  2. the things you did this year are awesome! I also think that have a good diet and doing sport are great to improve the mental health.

  3. yes, lately the tickets are more and more expensive. I hope you can continue traveling during the next year.


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