Academic Changes in 2022

Among some changes that, in my opinion, would be positive for students and professors, are to renew the computers both in the editing rooms as well as in those where professors teach. If we talk about the cameras of the FCEI, it seems to me that the renovation is not so urgent.

I think it is necessary to have licenses for photo or video editing programs since we do not always have the possibility of paying for them and the faculty facilities do not currently have these basic programs for audiovisual teaching.

As for the curriculum, it would be good to open spaces for dialogue between faculty officials and students to know if they adhere or remove courses to be in accordance with the current demands, since we will go to the labor market where we must be prepared for the demands, although it is true that we have spaces like the radio to practice on a voluntary basis, the University of Chile has channels on different platforms where you could cover from sports events to cultural events that take place throughout all faculties.

The workload seems to me to be manageable, we still have professors who are open to discuss deadlines, which I think is quite good, the teaching methods depend on each professor and also on the branch. Suddenly making hybrid classes can be beneficial in some subjects. 

By ceasing to be an institute of the university and becoming a faculty it should bring us some benefit since we are now supposed to have a different status.


  1. Hello Alvaro! I agree with you about the renewal of computers. Many computers in different classrooms need an upgrade because they have failures when used in the subjects that require them.

  2. Hi Alvaro, You are absolutely right, it is very necessary that FCI pay for the licenses, not only for the editing programs but also for the media in the case of journalism and the necessary platforms for film people.


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