
Mostrando entradas de septiembre, 2022

Academic Changes in 2022

Among some changes that, in my opinion, would be positive for students and professors, are to renew the computers both in the editing rooms as well as in those where professors teach. If we talk about the cameras of the FCEI, it seems to me that the renovation is not so urgent. I think it is necessary to have licenses for photo or video editing programs since we do not always have the possibility of paying for them and the faculty facilities do not currently have these basic programs for audiovisual teaching. As for the curriculum, it would be good to open spaces for dialogue between faculty officials and students to know if they adhere or remove courses to be in accordance with the current demands, since we will go to the labor market where we must be prepared for the demands, although it is true that we have spaces like the radio to practice on a voluntary basis, the University of Chile has channels on different platforms where you could cover from sports events to cultural events th

The Best Holidays

One of the vacations that I remember the most was last year in the middle of the pandemic, I had the opportunity to visit an oasis located in the coastal desert of Peru, its specific name is La Huacachina. I was in this region called Ica, about 3 days, it was not enough for what the place offered but I had a great time in the company of my girlfriend.  We got to know the dunes where we went for a ride in some carts called tubulars that were special for this terrain. We also practiced sandboarding as it was part of the adventure although at the beginning I felt dizzy but then everything flowed normally, we also tasted the local food and drank a lot of wine and pisco as it is native to this place.  It has been one of the best places I have visited and I remember it very much because it was a desire of both of us to know La Huacachina, it combined tranquility with extreme sports and good food, that if you have to be careful always being in the center of the city because there are many rob


One of the countries I would like to visit is Australia, because according to what is known, they pay good salaries, you can study and work in case you have a student visa and the quality of life is one of the most important within the developed countries.  I know that in that country there is a lot of biodiversity, they have one of the most peculiar animals in the world like the platypus and in this territory there are a lot of kangaroos.  I would like to know its most important cities such as Canberra, Sydney and Melbourne. Among the destinations that call my attention is the Lone Pine Koala Sanctury, which apart from being a well-known zoo in the country, is also the largest reserve of koalas in the world. Another important destination is the Sydney Opera House which is a place where recitals are given but also draws attention for its architecture as it is considered a world heritage site according to Unesco.  In case of traveling to this place, I would like to study and work, altho