
Mostrando entradas de noviembre, 2022


If I were given a choice between an episode of the past in which I would like to be, I would decide to live in the time of the pre-Columbian cultures because I'm very attracted to their way of living and their conception of life so close to nature and how they progressed with their forms of government that are derogatorily considered inferior, but I would not like to stay in this part of history because what came after was a cruel slaughter. The future intrigues me, perhaps the anatomy of the human being will change due to the use of technology, suddenly we will be deeply dependent on a screen and that makes me sad because there is no way to be in contact with nature. I hope that there will be harsher sanctions against those who abuse animals.  I also hope that in the future diseases like cancer will have a cure without the need to spend so much money or that it will not be a business of big pharmaceuticals, this is something quite improbable seriously speaking. Pandemics will sure


The photo was taken by Ricardo Alfieri, argentine photographer of a well-known newspaper in his country called El Gráfico. The moment took place in the final of the 1978 Argentina World Cup, the match was won by the home team 3-1 against the Netherlands.  It was a highly questioned tournament because Argentina was under a military dictatorship and it is said that they rigged matches in the second phase so that their classic rival Brazil would not be finalist. Anyway, the photo portrays the exact moment when goalkeeper Fillol embraces his defender Tarantini and at that precise moment he is approached by Victor Dell' Aquila, who did not have both arms but was very eager for a hug that ended up being quite a strong image for the fans. The photo is known as El Abrazo del Alma, Victor's story begins when he was a child and had an accident on a light pole, he climbed and held on with his right hand grabbing a wire that ended up passing electricity, then with his left hand tries to ge